And many people are surprised to find out that it doesn’t take much alcohol to trigger them. Headaches and migraines can be extremely uncomfortable, and even debilitating at times. Learning more about exactly what causes alcohol-induced headaches can provide motivation for building healthier habits and feeling better. Let’s look at why alcohol makes your head hurt, what you can do to remedy it, and how to avoid headaches down the road. You think that hangover headaches only happen to people who drink a lot over the course of several hours. However, anyone who gets a headache after drinking a small amount of alcohol knows this isn’t the case.
Does wine trigger a headache more often than other types of alcohol?
- These can be very uncomfortable and can be caused by dehydration after consuming alcohol.
- With our dedicated team of experts, we offer round-the-clock support, ensuring every person feels understood and nurtured.
- A 2016 review notes that alcohol may trigger a tension headache, especially if a person also has migraine.
In other words, these issues are a toxic byproduct why does drinking give me a headache of alcohol metabolism in the body. Brandy, red wine, and rum have the highest levels of congeners, while gin and vodka contain fewer of these chemicals. Although genetic factors influence the risk of having migraine, environmental triggers can cause episodes or increase their frequency. The number of drinks you have, what you are drinking, and what’s going on in your life may be the primary culprits, rather than alcohol itself. For instance, Vanquish is known to quickly and effectively relieve alcohol-related headaches. However, remember that prolonged use of painkillers can cause complications to your body such as liver disease and therefore, it’s not recommended.
Drink Water
Plus, tannins are in other products like tea and chocolate, which rarely cause headaches. Waterhouse and Devi measured how quercetin slows down the process of the enzyme ALDH breaking down acetaldehyde, which is produced in the human body when breaking down alcohol. Additionally, NSAIDs like Aleve and Ibuprofen often cause stomach irritation, and because alcohol already inflames the lining of the stomach, special care must be taken when mixing the two. If not, it can lead to gastritis, stomach ulcers, and GI bleeding. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test is used by medical professionals to diagnose signs of AUD. You’ll need to visit your doctor or trained medical professional to get an official diagnosis.
- People who get migraine attacks during or after drinking should consider reducing or eliminating alcohol.
- However, the study author also cautions that no single factor causes all hangover headaches.
- People prone to headaches may be at a higher risk of experiencing alcohol-related headaches.
- The most common type of headache caused by alcohol is the delayed headache, which is seen to occur around 12 hours after drinking alcohol.
- Ethanol is also a diuretic, meaning it increases urination, which then leads to electrolyte loss and dehydration.
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Red wine contains more histamine than white wine because it’s made from the whole grape (including the skin), not just the juice. Some people have a shortage of an enzyme that breaks down histamine in the small intestine. Alcohol also inhibits the enzyme, so the combination may boost histamine levels in the blood, which can dilate blood vessels and cause a headache.
Study selection
Preventing migraine begins with identifying and reducing or eliminating common migraine triggers such as alcohol, dehydration, and certain foods. A person should try keeping a migraine diary for a few weeks or months to observe trends in their headache patterns. Most studies point to red wine as a common headache culprit, particularly in people with migraine. These individuals commonly cite wine, especially red wine, as a migraine trigger.
This contributes greatly to dehydration, which is the cause of your alcohol-induced headache. An alcohol-induced headache may fall into many categories and whilst they are painful and unpleasant, there are things that can be done to relieve the symptoms. If you frequently suffer from alcohol-related headaches, and are struggling to cut back, there are also new solutions. Ria Health’s online program can help you cut back or quit without having to put your life on hold. Get access to anti-craving medications, regular coaching meetings, expert medical advice, digital tools, and more—all from an app on your smartphone. Good news is there shouldn’t be another drastic change in the barometric pressure so hopefully no more headaches – at least weather-related ones.
Aim to drink plenty of water before, after, and during alcohol consumption. While some research shows that the correlation between migraines and and headaches might be weaker than once stated, roughly 30% of people who experience migraines report alcohol as a trigger. Avoiding alcohol-related headaches involves a combination of responsible drinking and making smart choices before, during, and after consuming alcoholic beverages. Dehydration triggers some migraine cases; therefore, drinking plenty of water can help, even after the fact. Drinking water helps replenish your fluids and flush the alcohol out of your system. If you tend to get migraines within three hours or less of drinking, this might work best for you.
If both stress and alcohol are migraine triggers for you, combining them won’t do you any favors. In addition to this, people are Halfway house sometimes more likely to drink more when they are feeling stressed and a little reckless. Be sure to talk with your healthcare provider about your “cocktail headache” plan. If you develop a cocktail headache, stop drinking alcohol and go someplace where you can rest comfortably.